
市長要根據議會的議案來制定政策。ThemayormustmakepoliciesinaccordancewiththebillpassedintheCongress.市長主持了市圖書館的落成儀式。,Theprimeministermetmanycivicleaders,includingthemayorandtheleadersoftheimmigrantcommunities.Weneedamayorwhoistoughenoughtocleanup ...,MAYOR的意思、解釋及翻譯:1.apersonwhoiselectedorchosentoleadthegroupwhogovernsatownorcity2.apersonwho…。了解更多。,mayor例句.Atthepr...


市長要根據議會的議案來制定政策。 The mayor must make policies in accordance with the bill passed in the Congress. 市長主持了市圖書館的落成儀式。


The prime minister met many civic leaders, including the mayor and the leaders of the immigrant communities. We need a mayor who is tough enough to clean up ...


MAYOR的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a person who is elected or chosen to lead the group who governs a town or city 2. a person who…。了解更多。

mayor (【名詞】市長)意思、用法及發音

mayor 例句. At the press conference, the mayor gave a formal apology for his recent remarks.

Engoo Words

However, the town's mayor Maria Scardellato, said that Oderzo isn't the only town with rules like these.然而,市長Maria Scardellato 表示,奧德爾佐並不是唯一有此類 ...

mayor 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

超過500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典, ...


mayor(n). 音標: [ˋmeɚ]; 解釋: 市長;鎮長. 例句: He was elected mayor of Taipei.


縣長, County mayor ; 市議員, City council member ; 縣議員, County council member ; 市民代表, Town council member ; 村里長, Village / Neighborhood ...

主要的, 重要的, mayor, 市長, minor, 次要的, 較不重要的, major in, 主修

影片:major: 主要的, 重要的, mayor, 市長, minor, 次要的, 較不重要的, major in, 主修,龍騰Book1 Lesson1 (含課文的講解)。源自於:均一教育平台- 願每個孩子都成為 ...