
letter of attorney,授權書;委託書,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!

詞條:letter of attorney,授權書;委託書. 中文:授權書;委託書. 解釋:→ power of attorney. 學員專區 · 學員專區: {{ 'Loading...' }} {{ link.name }}: 粉絲團 ...

power of attorney,(1)授權書;委託書<br>(2)代理權,元照英美法詞典

詞條. power of attorney. 中文. (1)授權書;委託書(2)代理權. 解釋. (1)一種書面文件,本人〔principal〕以此指定他人為代理人,授權其為本人利益從事某類行為或某一特定 ...


Copyright License Agreement. The Author hereby grants a non-exclusive free license to University of Taipei to collect the article as listed below ...

[PDF] 委託書Letter of Authorization

委託書. Letter of Authorization. 本人因. ,無法親自前往. 辦理_. _事宜,特委託. 先生/女士代為申請辦理。 I,. , can't address in person, hereby.

[ODF] 授權書英文

I certify that on this day the individual, named (Printed Name of Individual) appeared before me and acknowledged to me that the foregoing document was ...

【Letter of Authorization】如何用英文寫?同你探討授權信7元素 ...

授權信(Letter of Authorization)是一種寫給特定機構或個人的信件,用以授權或委託對方代表自己執行某項任務或簽署文件。授權信通常用於商業、法律和政府 ...

[PDF] 授權書(委任書) Power of Attorney

授權書(委任書). Power of Attorney. 授權人. (Principal). 或公司. (Company). 中文姓名. (Chinese name). 英文姓名. (English name) ... 委託書且委託書需經下列任一單位 ...


授权书(或授权委托书)在英文中有两种形式,即Letter of Authorization (LOA) 和Power of Attorney (POA),而且英文授权书在使用上是有一些区别的。

[PDF] 授權書Power of Attorney

台灣觀光協會吉隆坡辦事處. This authorization letter is presented to Taiwan Visitors Association KL Office. 授權人公司(商號):. Name of the Company of Authority:.

[PDF] 授權書

授權人. (Principal). 中文姓名. (Name in Chinese). 英文姓名. (Name in English). 性別. (Sex). 出生年月日. (Date of Birth). 出生地. (Place of Birth). 護照號碼. ( ...


詞條:letterofattorney,授權書;委託書.中文:授權書;委託書.解釋:→powerofattorney.學員專區·學員專區:{{'Loading...'}}{{link.name}}:粉絲團 ...,詞條.powerofattorney.中文.(1)授權書;委託書(2)代理權.解釋.(1)一種書面文件,本人〔principal〕以此指定他人為代理人,授權其為本人利益從事某類行為或某一特定 ...,CopyrightLicenseAgreement.TheAuthorherebygrantsanon-exclusivefreelicensetoUniversityofTaipeitocoll...