
耶穌曾教導:「你們必須常常奉我的名向父禱告」(尼腓三書18:19)。Jesustaught,“YemustalwaysprayuntotheFatherinmyname”(3Nephi18:19) ...,GraceBeforeMeals.Blessus,OLord,andthesethygifts,whichweareabouttoreceivefromthybounty,throughChristourLord.Amen.,1.ChristismylifeandtheChurchismyliving.基督是我的生命,召會是我的生活。2.Thechurchisoursweethome.召會是甜美的家。3.The ...,grace[gres]飯前的感恩祈禱(...


耶穌曾教導:「你們必須常常奉我的名向父禱告」(尼腓三書18:19)。 Jesus taught, “Ye must always pray unto the Father in my name” (3 Nephi 18:19) ...

飯前禱Grace before meals

Grace Before Meals . Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

主恢復實用英文- 召會生活

1. Christ is my life and the Church is my living. 基督是我的生命,召會是我的生活。 2. The church is our sweet home. 召會是甜美的家。 3. The ...


grace [gres] 飯前的感恩祈禱 (例句)His family take turns saying grace before dinner. (他的家人吃晚飯前輪流作飯前禱告。) #大衛美語 #禱告英文 # ...

Say grace「飯前禱告」 阿滴ㄉ新書《說出溜英文》上市囉!購買連結 ...

Say grace「飯前禱告」 阿滴ㄉ新書《說出溜英文》上市囉!購買連結點我的IG頭像 ~試試看,在留言區翻譯 ...


To pray 禱告. 1. Let's pray together. 同聲禱告. 2. Let's pray one by one. 一個一個禱告. 3. We pray in the name of the Lord. 奉主的名禱告. 4. Any one of us who ...

開工前的禱告Prayer before starting work (台灣聖經網聖經部落格)

My Heavenly Father, as I enter this work place, I bring Your presence with me. 天父,我將你的同在帶進這工作場所。


Father in heaven, thank you for the food on the table, please cleanse and bless the food, also bless us the time were about to share together, pray in Christ ...


「飯前禱告」的英文是? · 1. swear to God. 7% · 2. say hallelujah. 7% · 3. say grace. 37% · 4. meal blessing.