Quotation marks vs. 引號



客服、業務英文Email 好用句!期待再次為您服務~|貝塔語測

05. We look forward to continuing to serve you. 我們很期待能繼續為您服務。 06. We hope we can serve you better. 希望我們能提供您更好的服務。

職場英語:專業email 好用句(下)|EF ENGLISH LIVE部落格

I look forward to your reply. 我期待您的回覆。 Please let me know if you need more information. 如果您需要更多資訊,請告訴我。 If you have any questions ...


I look forward to hearing from you. 期待聽到你的回覆。 I hope to hear from you soon. 希望盡快聽到你的回覆。 Please get back ...

請告訴我「期待您的回覆。」 的英語!

我期待著你的回覆可以用I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon./I'll be waiting for your call. 來表達。 I'm looking forward to Ving 是期待 ...

抱歉晚回覆了!商用英文Email 5 大常見道歉情境例句一次整理!

I look forward to your reply. 期待您的回覆; We would appreciate your patience. 感謝您的耐心等候; We would appreciate your understanding of our ...


【表示靜候佳音】:I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.(期待能收到您的回覆/消息。) ○ 【表示期待合作】:Looking forward to our cooperation.

「完美商業英文Email」結尾篇- 成功連結未來對話的關鍵步驟

Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated. 期待您的即時回覆。 Please feel free to reach out at your earliest convenience. 若時間允許,歡迎隨時來信。

【商業電郵】Email 的結尾可以怎麼寫? 25款例句助你職場大加分!

3. We look forward to receiving your early reply. 我們期待收到您的盡快回覆。 4. We will appreciate your prompt reply. 如蒙早日覆函。 5 ...

除了I look forward to hearing from you,電郵結尾仲可以點寫?學識 ...

2. Kindly reply at your earliest convenience. 煩請盡快回覆。 3. We look forward to receiving your early reply. 我們期待盡快收到你的回覆。


I am looking forward to your reply. 期待您的回覆。 If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. 如果有任何問題,歡迎隨時與我聯絡 ...


05.Welookforwardtocontinuingtoserveyou.我們很期待能繼續為您服務。06.Wehopewecanserveyoubetter.希望我們能提供您更好的服務。,Ilookforwardtoyourreply.我期待您的回覆。Pleaseletmeknowifyouneedmoreinformation.如果您需要更多資訊,請告訴我。Ifyouhaveanyquestions ...,Ilookforwardtohearingfromyou.期待聽到你的回覆。Ihopetohearfromyousoon.希望盡快聽到你的回覆。Pleasegetback ...,我期待著你的回覆可以用I'mlo...