
toannoysomeone,especiallybyaskingrepeatedquestions:Thechildrenplaguedhimwithquestionsallthroughlunch.吃午餐時孩子不停地問他問題,使他感到煩 ...,toannoysomeone,especiallybyaskingrepeatedquestions:Thechildrenplaguedhimwithquestionsallthroughlunch.吃午餐時孩子不停地問他問題,使他感到煩 ...,Whatdoyouwanttoeatforlunch?Wanttogogetsomethingtogether?中午要吃什麼?要一起去買嗎?I'mnotsure.我 ...,美食英...

煩惱| 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典

to annoy someone, especially by asking repeated questions: The children plagued him with questions all through lunch. 吃午餐時孩子不停地問他問題,使他感到煩 ...

煩惱| 繁体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典

to annoy someone, especially by asking repeated questions: The children plagued him with questions all through lunch. 吃午餐時孩子不停地問他問題,使他感到煩 ...

「中午要吃什麼」 英文怎麼說?

What do you want to eat for lunch? Want to go get something together? 中午要吃什麼?要一起去買嗎? I'm not sure. 我 ...

美食、小吃英文怎麼說?一次學會8種描述美食句型與100種台灣小吃 ...

美食英文是dish還是cuisine?小吃英文是snack還是local dishes?100種台灣小吃英文都在這:Ba Wan(肉圓)、Taro ball(芋圓)、Taiwanese sausage with sticky rice(大腸包 ...


83. What's eating you? 你有什麼煩惱? 84. She's drop-dead gorgeous! 她真是美翻了! 85. I'm beat. 我累 ...


I have no idea what to eat for lunch today, so it would be great if you can give me some inspiration. (哪些咖啡廳?

@ 每天下課都在煩惱吃什麼!! 中秋節當天~學城幫大家 ...

... 煩惱吃什麼!! 中秋節當天~學城幫大家想好了! 上完英文課就留下來吃一頓披薩大餐吧 *高一英文:9/29(五)9:30~12:30 *試聽當日英文課的 ...

雖然吃的東西可能不一樣,但煩惱是一樣的 #英語島#englishisland ...

”Are my cells dividing and multiplying all the time?“ 我的細胞一直在分裂和增生嗎? dividing 細胞分裂— 就是細胞分成兩個或更多的過程。


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