

詢問訂單進度英文 如果在購物網站上買完東西後,過了很久都還沒收到,這時你就可以私訊客服詢問目前的訂單進度: ????‍♀️:I want to check the status of my order. Could you ...


I'd like to confirm my order. 我想確認我的訂單。 I'm emailing you to confirm the details of our meeting. 我來信是 ... 完整範例!如何用英文email 詢... · 常用英文書信例句大公開


Inquire (v.) 詢問​ 若要「詢價」時,會用inquire about the cost/price of sth. 來表達。 I'd like to inquire about the cost of your screws. 我想詢問 ...


情境一、下單後未收到包裹,詢問訂單處理進度. A: Hello, I haven't received my order yet. Do you know how long it will take for my order to arrive? Order(n.)訂單;(v.)訂購 · Order summary 訂單資訊 · Return(v.)退還,退貨


问一下客户是不是需要考虑一下我们,寄样品检测一下,或者询问下一年有没有计划采购我们的产品等等。 Dear***. Wish you a nice day. In this year,your are ...


Let me check the status of your order for you. Could you give me your tracking number? (讓我為您確認您的訂單進度。 您可以給我您的訂單編號嗎?)


我寫這封信是要確認你在月19 日所下的訂單。 I am writing to inquire about your services. 我寫這封信是要詢問你們的服務。 Please allow me to introduce myself ...

「報價」的英文怎麼說?詢價與報價相關的7 個英文用法,一次學會

Inquire (v.) 詢問 ... Inquire 是比較通用的動詞,是「詢問」的意思,它可以和about 這個字搭配。若要「詢價」時,會用inquire about the cost/price of sth.


I would be interested to know the price of (model number). 我想詢問關於(型號)的價格。 Could you send me a quote for (product name/model number)?

實用生活美語 | #142 客服篇

shorts #學英文#多益聽力練習#生活美語▻實用生活美語◅ 發布時間- 周間每周五次Customer: Hello, I recently placed an order with you, ...


詢問訂單進度英文如果在購物網站上買完東西後,過了很久都還沒收到,這時你就可以私訊客服詢問目前的訂單進度:????‍♀️:Iwanttocheckthestatusofmyorder.Couldyou ...,I'dliketoconfirmmyorder.我想確認我的訂單。I'memailingyoutoconfirmthedetailsofourmeeting.我來信是 ...完整範例!如何用英文email詢...·常用英文書信例句大公開,Inquire(v.)詢問​若要「詢價」時,會用inquireaboutthecost/priceofsth.來表達。I'dliketoi...