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Back4Sure 3.4.0 - 小而巧的資料備份軟體

Back4Sure 3.4.0 - 小而巧的資料備份軟體




Back4Sure is a feature-rich backup solution for typical backup use. The program can make a backup to hard-disk, USB drive or network and can also be ...


Back4Sure uses a very simple 7Zip dll, which is derived from the console application of the original 7Zip sources. The dll is free software; you can ...


Back4Sure is a freeware program for making backup copies of your documents, pictures, music, videos and anything you find valuable. The files to copy may be ...


Back4Sure is a freeware program for making backup copies of your documents, pictures, music, videos and anything you find valuable. 概述. Back4Sure 是在由Ulrich ...

Back4Sure 3.7.8

Back4Sure is a freeware program for making backup copies of your documents, pictures, music, videos and anything you find valuable.

Back4Sure Download

2024年1月27日 — Back4Sure will help you back up your files. It will work by configuring backup jobs, in which you can specify all the necessary parameters.



Download Back4Sure

Back4Sure is a freeware program for making backup copies of your documents, pictures, music, videos, and anything you find valuable.

数据备份工具(Back4Sure) v3.7.7 官方最新安装版

2020年6月9日 — Back4Sure是一个好用的备份软件,可以帮助您备份您的文件和文件夹。 有需要的朋友们可以下载试试! 介绍. Back4Sure是一款非常强大的数据备份软件, ...