2025 Feather懶人包,推薦清單整理



FEATHER翻譯:羽毛;翎毛, (槳葉與水面平行地)劃(槳)。了解更多。 Feather duster · Feather boa · Featherbed

feather (【名詞】羽毛)意思、用法及發音

feather 例句. Peacocks have remarkable tail feathers. 孔雀有非凡的尾羽。 Flamingos are born with white and gray feathers that turn pink as they get older.

Feather Client

No longer need to pay for Minecraft hosting, Feather allows you to host a Minecraft server completely for FREE off your PC! Servers are ran directly off your PC ...

在Steam 購買Feather 即可省下80%

評分 4.5 (448) Feather是一個寧靜的遊戲,你將化身一隻小鳥,在美麗的風景中飛翔探索,伴隨著悅耳的音樂,沉浸在充滿禪意的世界中。 所有評論:. 極度好評 (448) - 448 篇使用者評論中 ...


feather · n. 羽毛[C];(作為狩獵對象的)鳥類[U] · vt. 用羽毛裝飾;使(船槳)與水面平行 · vi. 長羽毛;使槳與水面平行 ...


音標: [ˋfɛðɚ]; 解釋: 羽毛. 例句: The pillow is made of feather, so it is very light. 翻譯: 這個枕頭是用羽毛做成的,所以它很輕。

什麼是羽毛及羽絨? What are feathers and down?

廣義的羽毛有兩類:帶梗羽毛(feather)和無梗羽毛(down);羽絨是鳥禽類腹尾或翅窩的小軟羽, 不帶長梗,看起來像一團由中央向四方散射的絨毛小球。


Feather 是一款讓你放鬆心情的飛鳥模擬器,助你解悶解憂。你可以選擇單人或多人線上模式,化身成一隻鳥,隨意翱翔天際,探索奇景。遊戲不設任何外敵、格鬥或災害情境,讓你 ...

Sabrina Carpenter - Feather (Official Video)

Sabrina Carpenter - Feather (Official Video) · Comments33K. NoName No. here to see what the priest got fired over... 2:52 · Go to channel ...