2025 Forghetti懶人包,推薦清單整理


App Store 上的《forghetti

評分 4.3 (18) · 免費 · iOS forghetti is a simple to use password manager designed for everyone. All you need to remember is one simple doodle. Memorable, safe and stress-free.

在App Store 上的「forghetti

forghetti is a simple to use password manager designed for everyone. All you need to remember is one simple doodle.


Forghetti generates mind-bogglingly complex passwords the instant you need them. All you ever need to remember is a simple doodle. Memorable, safe and stress- ...


評分 5.0 (4) 想避免網絡攻擊,並全面保護您的個人資料,1O1 O貼心推出「Forghetti密碼管理服務」,每月只需H K$8^,透過智能技術為您設計多組超強密碼,同時 輕鬆保護及管理各種複雜的賬戶 ...

forghetti - Password Manager

評分 3.9 (194) · 免費 · Android · forghetti 是一款簡單易用的密碼管理器,專為所有人設計。您需要記住的只是一幅簡單的塗鴉。令人難忘、安全且無壓力。與其他密碼管理器不同,我們不保存密碼 ...


【Forghetti 密碼管理服務助你設計超強密碼! 】 你係咪仲係用緊嗰組好耐冇改嘅密碼呢? 相信大家都知密碼越複雜,安全性就越高,黑客成功「 撞破密碼」嘅機會 ...

How do I install forghetti?

Drag the forghetti icon over the top of the applications folder icon. The application will be installed and you can then open it and login or create an account.


forghetti generates mind-bogglingly complex passwords the instant you need them. All you ever need to remember is a simple doodle.

Forghetti 密碼管理服務
