2025 FotoForensics懶人包,推薦清單整理


Fake Image Detector

Discover Fake Image Detector, a powerful tool for detecting manipulated images using advanced techniques like Metadata Analysis and ELA Analysis.

Forensically, free online photo forensics tools

Forensically is a set of free tools for digital image forensics. It includes clone detection, error level analysis, meta data extraction and more.


FotoForensics provides tools and training for digital picture analysis, including error level analysis, metadata, and tutorials.


FotoForensics provides budding researchers and professional investigators access to cutting-edge tools for digital photo forensics.


The following tutorials and samples help explain how to use FotoForensics. Basics; Training; Tools; Test.

fotoforensics.com Competitors

fotoforensics.com's top 5 competitors in January 2024 are: imageforensic.org, hackerfactor.com, imageedited.com, errorlevelanalysis.com, and more.


Error Level Analysis (ELA) permits identifying areas within an image that are at different compression levels. With JPEG images, the entire picture should be at ...


2018年3月13日 — 你本人真的比照片美!研究證實:自拍放大鼻子、逼你去整形. 以底下這張對比圖來看,我們可以秒懂Boris的意思!左邊的圖是自拍距離30公分,..