2025 NeverSSL懶人包,推薦清單整理


I don't understand how this website works. If I visit http ...

The point of this site is that when you realise this has happened, you type in 'http://neverssl.com' into your browser to force an http connection which ...


After using wifi in 3 airports and 4 planes this weekend, I've created http://neverssl.com to make logging on a little bit easier.


neverssl.com will never use SSL (also known as TLS). No encryption, no strong authentication, no HSTS, no HTTP/2.0, just plain old unencrypted HTTP and forever ...

neverssl.com 競爭對手

立即下載. neverssl.com 的前十大競爭對手. 在4月2024,系統根據關鍵字流量、受眾定位與市場重疊率與neverssl.com 的相似程度,排名出neverssl.com 等前10 名網站。

One of the Most Useful Sites in the World is Also ...

2024年6月12日 — neverssl.com will never use SSL (also known as TLS). No encryption, no strong authentication, no HSTS, no HTTP/2.0, just plain old unencrypted ...


Contribute to colmmacc/neverssl.com development by creating an account on GitHub.

如果連上Wifi 後登入畫面跑不出來,NeverSSL 或許能幫你 ...

2018年10月2日 — 你應該要試著連上一個「沒有使用HTTPS」的網站,才能夠讓Wifi 登入畫面正常顯示彈出,本文要介紹的「NeverSSL」就是一個拿來做為Wifi 連線「跳板」的 ...


校外無加密http網頁:http://neverssl.com. 進入時會出現憑證錯誤之警告訊息,此為正常現象,各瀏覽器可依照下列操作說明繼續進行瀏覽動作: PS:部份電腦會因安全性 ...