2025 Notta懶人包,推薦清單整理



Instantly capture and transcribe audio from any browser tab or Google Meet into accurate, actionable text with Notta.

Convert Audio to Text

Notta lets you quickly transcribe a voice recording and other forms of audio in just a few clicks. No software installation required—our audio to text tool is ...

Notta Pricing

Learn about Notta's flexible pricing options, from Free to Enterprise, and find the plan that's right for you. Convert any audio/video to text easily.

Convert Audio to Text Online

Easily transcribe real-time recordings, audio files, video files online with Notta Web on popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

超好用的聲音轉文字工具— Notta,從此以後就不用辛苦的打 ...

2022年2月5日 — 3. Notta 到底好用在哪裡? · 有手機App、電腦Chrome 的擴充套件,可一次支援所有我們需要錄製語音的情況,尤其可支援即時轉錄Google meet、Zoom等文字 · 不 ...


Automatically transcribe and summarize your meetings, interviews, or recordings into searchable text with Notta. Start for Free.


Notta是一款語音轉文字的效率工具。採訪錄音、會議記錄、課堂筆記整理、寫文章、日常記事的必備效率工具。 Notta 可以做什麼? 錄音實時轉文字,音訊檔案轉文字,高效整理音訊 ...


7 天前 — Notta 具備AI 能力,可以將語音轉換成逐字稿,並自動生成摘要。支援50 多種語言和口音,無論是國語、英語、日語等皆可輕鬆處理。上課、會議、訪談或日常生活 ...