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此應用程式由國際性的志願者社群以開放的方式開發,並以GNU General Public License v3.0 only 釋出。


Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL.

OpenRAOpenRA: Open Source real-time strategy game ...

Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. OpenRA · INSTALL.md · Issues · Pull requests

OpenRA讓經典遊戲-終極動員令(泰伯倫黎明)、沙丘魔堡2000與紅色 ...

OpenRA是一個遊戲執行引擎,可以藉由安裝模組來「模擬」終極動員令、沙丘魔堡2000與紅色警戒等遊戲。換句話說,如果想要玩紅色警戒的話,那就是用OpenRA加上 ...


OpenRA is an open source project that recreates and modernizes classic real time strategy games, like Red Alert, Command & Conquer, and Dune 2000.

Server Browser

OpenRA is an open source project that recreates and modernizes classic real time strategy games, like Red Alert, Command & Conquer, and Dune 2000.


OpenRA is an open source project that recreates and modernizes classic real time strategy games, like Red Alert, Command & Conquer, and Dune 2000.


OpenRA is an open source project that recreates and modernizes classic real time strategy games, like Red Alert, Command & Conquer, and Dune 2000. Download · Server Browser · About · Resource Center


r/openra: Subreddit for everything OpenRA! OpenRA is a Libre/Free RTS game engine with support for playing Westwood classics: Command & Conquer…


A free and open-source RTS bringing back the classic Command & Conquer, Red Alert, and Dune series by Westwood Studios, with updated user interface, ...