2025 QuickLyric懶人包,推薦清單整理



2021年11月5日 — QuickLyric 3.9.1b安卓版應用最新下載。即刻獲取歌詞你聽音樂邊。

QuickLyric | F-Droid

QuickLyric fetches your lyrics for you. It includes a search engine and is simple and easy to use. It can also detect what song is playing on your device.


QuickLyric is an android app that instantly fetches your lyrics for you. Its main perks is that it's very fast, features Material Design as well as a search ...

Quick Lyric

This app helps you memorize lyrics of a song. Updated on. Mar 4, 2024. Education. Data safety. arrow_forward. Safety starts with understanding how ...

QuickLyric - Instant Lyrics APK Android 版

2023年7月11日 — QuickLyric 是歌词QuickLyric SPRL 的应用程序。 开源音频应用程序提供歌词用于移动设备中的音乐文件。它允许用户阅读任何歌曲的正确歌词。此应用程序适用 ...


QuickLyric 是一个带有歌词的优秀应用,给用户提供了一个简洁且有序的界面。通过这个应用,你能够查看任何当前正在听的歌曲的歌词,并且只需一个点击。

QuickLyric APK for Android

2023年7月11日 — QuickLyric is a lyrics application by QuickLyric SPRL. The open-source audio application provides lyrics for music files in mobile devices. It ...

QuickLyric 用手機聽歌時,自動幫你找出歌詞並顯示出來

2019年11月26日 — QuickLyric 用手機聽歌時,自動幫你找出歌詞並顯示出來,幾乎所有音樂服務都支援.