2025 RunBlock懶人包,推薦清單整理


Kotlin 协程:简单理解runBlocking, launch ,withContext

Kotlin的协程,本质上是一个线程框架,它可以方便的切换线程的上下文(如主线程切换到子线程/子线程切回主线程)。而平时我们要想在Android Studio使用协程,先 ...

Kotlin协程——从runBlocking 与coroutineScope 说起原创

我们可以使用runBlocking 函数,构建一个主协程,从而调试我们的协程代码。你可能会问协程有什么优势么?以至于我需要去搞懂他?引用官方举的一个小例子吧:


runBlock: Creates an action that executes a block. iOS 7.0+iPadOS 7.0+ ...


Runs a new coroutine and blocks the current thread until its completion. It is designed to bridge regular blocking code to libraries that are written in ...

The runblock program - execline

runblock's purpose is to help you write execline commands in the execline language. It can only be used inside an execline script. If the script has been given ...

Using Coroutine runblock with the Authenticator to handle 401 ...

In the Retrofit API, consider replacing your async runBlocking{} suspend fun with a synchronous Call. I had the most luck avoiding the use ...

Simple Run Blocker 1.5 免安裝中文版

限制小朋友不能玩哪些遊戲或軟體- Simple Run Blocker,可以讓指定的軟體無法執行、隱藏或鎖定磁碟分割區,把要管制的軟體(桌面捷徑或主程式)新增或拖放 ...

Simple Run Blocker v1.5

Simple Run Blocker (SRB) is portable freeware created to simplify the process of blocking applications from being used.