2025 Scriptism懶人包,推薦清單整理



Graphocentrism or scriptism is a typically unconscious interpretative bias in which writing is privileged over speech.


A bias in which writing is privileged over speech. In many literate cultures, text has a higher status than speech: written language is often seen as the ...

Scriptism as a Methodological Problem in Linguistics

101 reasons why linguistics is trapped in scriptism and biased towards studying texts instead of language.

Scriptism with a vengeance. Or, how writing was forgotten.

Scriptism is 'the influence of writing on the conceptualization of speech' (Taylor, 1997, p. 52). Language theories as well as lay understandings of the ...

Scriptism 下載Youtube 封面圖片,YT 高畫質影片封面下載

Scriptism 是一家國外的網頁設計教學公司,該公司開發了一款工具叫YouTube Thumbnail Downloader,也就是Youtube 影片封面圖片下載工具。

Scriptism 線上一鍵下載Youtube 高畫質封面照

因此最近梅干發現一個好工具,只需將Youtube的網址貼上,立即就可抓取出高畫質的影片封面照,同時不會有任何的播放器,讓在收藏素材更加的方便,而下回你也想 ...


Scriptism.com. 3417 likes. Collection of free Scripts for your web development.