VideoWallpaper: 一款基于libvlc和Qt的开源动态壁纸软件
编译器:支持C++17或以上. VideoWallpaper.pro文件已经配置好依赖,首先先按照正常编译Qt项目的流程编译(使用Qt Creator或Qt VS Tools打开该pro文件载入项目然后进行编译),然后将libvlc.dll、libvlccore.dll和plugins文件夹放在和生成的exe文件同一目录中即可运行. libvlc.dll ...
VideoPaper uses a camera or a file as background. Then you can specify a movie or a picture to fill the blank sheets of papers with.
VideoPaper Builder
Focus on meaningful learning situations. Teachers can easily designate and share important learning moments within their video using VideoPaper Builder®.
How To Add Animated Wallpaper To Your Desktop Pc
A handy little piece of software, VideoPaper will allow you to place a video as your wallpaper background. It does this by placing a your file as a sort of skin above the conventional wallpaper, but below your icons and task bar.
The videopaper
The videopaper Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Video Paper We're a young, independent platform producing compelling journalism in new formats.on ...
Video Wallpaper for Windows
Video Wallpaper for Windows. PUSH Video Wallpaper. PUSH Video Wallpaper is a powerful wallpaper manager that enables you to set videos, animated GIFs, or YouTube clips as your desktop background, providing your computer with a dynamic and personalized app
VideoPaper current Release : rVideoPaper
FANTASTIC, the new version is awesome and works like a charm. I like that you can create panels something I might do for the future. I found some great 4K videos online and recorded my desktop with Nvidia Shadowplay then used that video in your program wo
VideoPaper current Release
2015年11月22日 — FANTASTIC, the new version is awesome and works like a charm. I like that you can create panels something I might do for the future.
r/VideoPaper: VideoPaper allows you to set a video for an desktop background.