2025 WinDynamicDesktop懶人包,推薦清單整理



WinDynamicDesktop is developed primarily for Windows 10, but should run on any version of Windows with .NET Framework 4.5 or newer installed. If your version of ...

想要擁有macOS 風日夜變化動態桌布? ...

2021年6月7日 — 其連結的線上圖片庫非常豐富,不管是太空、風景、抽象還是繪圖風格應有盡有,可以依照你個人的喜好來選擇下載,甚至還有知名遊戲《薩爾達傳說:曠野之息》 ...


You can import custom themes or create your own, and customize the app to automatically change the Windows 10 theme color or update your location periodically.


2018年7月10日 — Experience Dynamic Desktop on Windows 10! WinDynamicDesktop ports the Dynamic Desktop feature from macOS Mojave to Windows 10.

Releases · t1m0thyjWinDynamicDesktop

2023年6月20日 — WinDynamicDesktop 5.0.0 · Added support for setting separate background on multiple monitors · Added support for syncing lockscreen image with ...

WinDynamicDesktop 5.4.1 free download

WInDynamicDesktop brings exactly the same mechanism (and wallpapers) to your Windows 10 PC. Simply download from the official Microsoft store and you'll be ...


WinDynamicDesktop是一款动态桌面软件,能将macOS Mojave根据时间动态变化的沙漠壁纸效果带到windows系统来,WinDynamicDesktop是免费的,只需要填写自己所在的城市, ...

WinDynamicDesktop for Windows

WinDynamicDesktop is a Windows program that lets you set up a dynamic desktop directly on your PC. As in macOS Mojave, it's very easy to display your ...


《WinDynamicDesktop》是windows上的一款模拟Mac动态效果的免费壁纸软件,选择地区后该软件可以根据时间来变换壁纸,有了他就可以在windows上实现MacOS Mojave的动态 ...