2025 ZoomHub懶人包,推薦清單整理


ZoomHub by zoomhub

This informational website is a work-in-progress. In the meantime, check out the site itself: http://zoomhub.net/.

ZoomHub 不同於一般圖片空間,上傳高解析度相片還能局部 ...

ZoomHub 特色就是能在網頁裡檢視一張大尺寸、解析度很高的相片,無需將圖片下載,即使圖片很大張依然能透過滑鼠和滾輪放大縮小,也算是蠻特別的網路服務。


An open-source, web-based viewer for zoomable images, implemented in pure JavaScript.

zoomhubzoomhub: Share and view high

An open-source cloud service for viewing arbitrarily high-resolution zoomable images. Inspired by, and has taken over, the similar former Microsoft service ...

Zoomhub installed on Google Chrome

Hi guys,. I was looking for some PDF viewer extensions for Google Chrome and it seems along the way, I got Zoomhub along the way. I can't find the extension it ...

ZoomHub · Share and view full

ZoomHub has a REST API that lets you easily convert all your images programmatically. We currently require a valid email to prevent abuse. If you ...