2025 mRemote懶人包,推薦清單整理



mRemote is a full-featured, multi-tab remote connections manager. It allows you to store and operate all your remote connections in a simple yet powerful ...

mRemoteNG使用外部工具來進行SFTP連線 Setup mRemoteNS's ...

mRemoteNG是mRemote的分支版本,它是一個開放原始碼、具頁籤整合、多通訊協定、遠端連線的整合性管理工具。由於mRemote在2012年之後就停止開發了 ...

mRemoteNG is the next generation of mRemote, open ...

An open source, multi-protocol, tabbed remote connections manager allowing you to view all of your connections in a simple yet powerful interface. Issues 859 · README.md · CHANGELOG.md · Pull requests 0


mRemoteNG is the next generation of mRemote, an open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager.


免费地下载Windows 平台的mRemote,它是来自开发商Felix Deimel 最受欢迎的应用之一。. 在Uptodown.com上找到它.


mRemoteNG is a fork of mRemote: an open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager for Windows.


The next generation of mRemote, open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager.


控制所有的mTouch監管與您的智能手機。 通過這個程序,你可以從你的智能手機的所有控制器米康的mTouch連接到互聯網的控制。

mRemoteNG h'uh? Yeah! (What is it good for?) : rsysadmin

mRemote isn't the only game in town, but it's the best completely free one in my opinion. No fuss. No ads. No trials. No vendors. Just works.