2025 viamichelin懶人包,推薦清單整理


Route planner

Precise route calculation, with detailed journey costs (tolls, fuel, vignettes), mileage between towns, journey times and road traffic.


ViaMichelin, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Michelin Group, is a travel website that allows road users in Europe to design and plan upcoming trips.


Viamichelin.com is one of the best trip planner sites on the web, no question asked. Thanks to its reliably accurate GPS, incredible mobile app, ...

ViaMichelin GPS Route Planner

根据您当前的位置、您自己的地址或联系地址,快速准确地计算您的汽车、摩托车、自行车或步行路线: - 提供多条路线,行程时间取决于交通状况、旅行距离、估计成本(通行费 ...

ViaMichelin GPS Route Planner

在其免費應用程序(無需訂閱)的核心中探索ViaMichelin 的所有體驗和專業知識:米其林地圖、實時路況路線、帶語音指導的3D 地圖GPS 導航以及路線上為您提供的所有服務 ...

ViaMichelin GPS, Route Planner 4+

Enjoy real-time traffic to plan journeys for even your most familiar routes. ... - You can also choose a route that will save wasted time in traffic jams!


Route calculation, MICHELIN maps, real-time traffic information, hotel booking in the US and Europe.

【旅遊好用網】自駕預算神器Michelin Route Planner

如何使用ViaMichelin · 1. 首先,登陸主頁. 主頁 · 2. 輸入出發與目的地地點(可以準確至特定地址). 主頁的左側 · 3. 輸入各項資料後,按「Search」(搜尋)鍵 · 4. 想要的到 ...

在App Store 上的「ViaMichelin GPS, Route Planner」

2023年12月22日 — Discover all the ViaMichelin experience and know-how at the heart of its free application (no subscription required): Michelin maps, ...