Panda Anti-Rootkit v1.08 - Rootkit偵測工具

Panda Anti-Rootkit v1.08 - Rootkit偵測工具

We're experiencing a lot of downloads of Panda AntiRootkit. Many thanks to all the people that are helping us improve this free utility by sending suggestions, comments, feedback and submitting new rootkits that are being found in the wild.

I'm happy to say that I have a couple of good news. The first one is that based on your many suggestions we have created version 1.07 of Panda AntiRootkit. Version 1.07 has the following improvements:

    * Capable of deactivating unknown rootkits. We consider "unknown" a rootkit for which Panda AntiRootkit does not have a deactivation routine. This does not mean that Panda does not know about the rootkit. Rather that we have not yet included the full deactivation routine in Panda AntiRootkit. But now you'll be able to deactivate all rootkits. By default you'll be presented with deactivation of known rootkits plus the option to deactivate any unknown rootkits found on your system.
    * Deletes registry keys transparently. Up to version 1.06 we only deleted the necessary registry keys to deactivate the rootkit and prevent it from functioning. Some leftover keys made some users worry about incomplete deactivation. Version 1.07 now transparently deletes all rootkit associated registry keys for piece of mind.
    * Cleaner interface. We have cleaned the results window for a more efficient use of available space. Now a mouse-over a detected object will present you with its type (file, process, ADS, registry, etc.).
    * Various improvements have also been made to the disinfection of unknown rootkits, some false positives reported by some of you, and more deactivation routines.

熊貓也有提供commandline scanner也有linux的掃毒工具唷~

Panda Anti Rootkit v108 Rootkit偵測工具

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Panda Anti-Rootkit v1.08 - Rootkit偵測工具:

2007年8月23日 - We're experiencing a lot of downloads of Panda AntiRootkit. Many thanks to all the people that are helping us improve this free utility by ...