這裡整理了幾項在 Windows 10 中釋放硬碟空間的技巧,解決磁碟空間不足的困擾。 現在大部分的電腦都已經改用了固態硬碟(SSD),而固態硬碟雖然讀寫速度比傳統硬碟更快,但是空間卻少了很多,安裝完 Windows 10 系統之後,通常剩下的空間並不多,經過一段時間的使用之後,很容易就會出現硬碟 ...
Fat File Finder finds files by minimum size or size range and allows you to send the files to the trash bin or remove them permanently. Fat File Finder supports ranges so you can search for files that have size within a given range. Fat File Finder suppo
1. Fat File Finder finds files on any folder in your Mac, including system folders. 2. Recursive search of folders and sub-folders. You can limit how many subfolders down the tree to search. 3. You can trash or remove files permanently to gain space immed