The partition cloner in DoYourClone allows you to select the source and the destination partitions with ease. In fact, that is all you have to do before letting the application do its magic. The ...
DoYourClone for Mac is a powerful yet easy-to-use Mac disk clone software. It can help you securely and easily clone hard drive, copy data, make disk image on Mac. Main features of DoYourClone for ...
If you want to clone hard drive on Mac or make a backup of your hard drive data, just try DoYourClone for Mac. It is 100% safe and clean disk clone software for Mac OS. DoYourClone for Mac 2.2 Utilities software developed by DoYourData.
如何對 Mac 上的資料進行完整備份?勢必得透過備份工具來進行,最近小編發現 DoYourClone for Mac 備份工具,100% 的安全無毒的 macOS 硬碟備份軟體,透過它就可以安全、輕鬆的備份硬碟、資料搬家,原價美金 39 元,現在推出限時免費活動,而且是終身版序號,代表現在收下來就可以永遠免費用,各位 Mac 使用者趕緊收藏下來啦。