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限時免費 SecuPerts Anti-Spy 全方位隱私保護工具,不再讓微軟 / Google 拿你的隱私去賣錢

你知道電腦使用資訊,有部分會默默回傳給微軟嗎?在意隱私的朋友們看過來,小編教你如何避免微軟不斷竊取我們的個資,今天要來分享這款 SecuPerts Anti-Spy 反間諜軟體, 能夠停用 Windows 10 系統背景、瀏覽器和媒體播放器中超過 80 個某種程度上為類似間諜功能的程序,原價 19.99 美元,現在收下就能免費使用,趕快收藏下來,保護好自己的個資吧。


SecuPerts Anti-Spy

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Window 隱私保護

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SecuPerts Anti-Spy

有推薦的電腦隱私保護工具嗎?SecuPerts Anti Spy 免費下載

有推薦的電腦隱私保護工具嗎?SecuPerts Anti Spy 免費下載 相關文章



Giveaway of the Day

SecuPerts Anti-Spy for Windows 10 Giveaway. $19.99. free today. SecuPerts Anti-Spy for Windows 10. October 5, 2022. Not interested in snooping presets in ...


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Giveaway of the day — SecuPerts Anti

The Windows 10 Anti-Spy allows you to deactivate more than 80 annoying and, to some extent, very presumptuous spy features in the Windows 10 operating system, in browsers and media players. You can deactivate more than 80 preset snooping features with jus

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SecuPerts Anti-Spy

Anti-Spy for Windows 10 allows you to disable over 70 spy functions in the Windows operating system. Wherever Microsoft has hidden its default spy settings: ...

No desire for spying? - SecuPerts Anti

The Windows 10 Anti-Spy allows you to deactivate more than 80 annoying and, to some extent, very presumptuous spy features in the Windows operating system, ...

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隨著資安問題的新聞不斷,越來越多人開始重視電腦防毒的重要性,尤其病毒這種東西會不斷演進,如果沒有隨時防範以及培養良好上網習慣,哪天密碼突然被破解、或是重要資料被竊取都不知道,因此,這篇就要推薦大家目前市面上七款免費防毒軟體,同時也做個簡單的評比,讓讀者們能夠更加 ...

SecuPerts Anti

SecuPerts Anti-Spy for Windows 10 Manual · Through the start menu: Click on 'Start -> Programs -> Engelmann Software -> AntiSpy. · Through the desktop: Double ...