AnyCase App 英文大小寫段落轉換工具,支援在非常多的應用程式內使用,幾乎在系統內的任何地方都可以方便使用,不管是全大寫、全小寫、首字大寫、上標、下標等等,或是取代任何空白等等,可能各種你想要的功能都有,這樣的好工具大家可不要錯過囉!
- Multi-Program In-place Case Conversions
AnyCase multi-program direct in-place case conversions, AnyCase App converts directly in place in hundreds of programs.
- Convert Using Shortcuts Anywhere
Get into almost any Windows program and use AnyCase’s global shortcuts to convert case directly where you work.
- Quick Replace
Quickly replace any character or word when you convert, For example replace space with hyphen “My file example.pdf” to “My-File-Example.pdf”.
- Superscript and Subscript
change text to superscript or subscript directly in place.
- Paste In Blocked Fields
Paste in websites/fields/programs that prevent you from using Ctrl+V .
- Customize Global Shortcuts
Define your own custom shortcuts for case conversions.
- Count The Words
Count The Words/Characters In The Selected Text.
- Multiple Ways To Convert The Text Case
AnyCase comes with 3 different ways to convert text case. The main program window, a context menu, and global shortcuts that work and hundreds of applications.
- Custom Capitalization Of Specific Words
Capitalize specific words exactly how you need them. Your full name, a business name, a product name etc. Include words that need to be capitalized exactly the same every time.
- Switch Language After Typing
Change the text language after you already started typing, from gibberish to the intended language.
- Remove Doubles Spaces
Automatically Remove Doubles Spaces In The Converted Text.

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