IconRestorer - 桌面圖示都給我歸位

IconRestorer - 桌面圖示都給我歸位


Backup and restore icons position on desktop (and wallpaper) separately for every screen resolution
In the event that a computer crashes, if automatic desktop icons placement is selected or if the screen resolution is changed there is the possibility that the icons shortcuts position on the Windows desktop becomes scrambled; IconRestorer has been designed to remember the icon setup to avoid the boring job of manual restoring for the right icons position on desktop after these events.
IconRestorer can be used to place the icons back to their original location on the Windows screen when needed, or even to manage two profiles of icon position.
The icons position on desktop (layout) can be saved manually when wanted (every screen resolution will be saved separately) and can be restored at any time.
IconRestorer also have the capability to save and restore the desktop wallpaper with the icon positions.


IconRestorer 1031 桌面圖示都給我歸位

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