Laptop Alarm V2.0 Beta - 電腦防盜器
Laptop Alarm的筆電防盜警示軟體覺得比較實用,只要你的筆電被其他人挪動了,它就會像防盜門或是超市防盜檢測門那樣發出非常大聲的警示,就算你的筆電是靜音的它也會發聲,而且足夠讓你或是周圍人聽到。這款只有312K左右的小軟體只能執行於Windows系統(Mac似乎更容易被盜...),啟動它以後並按"Lock Computer。Did you ever hesitate to leave your laptop for a few minutes in a public space like a library? No need for that with Laptop Alarm. Laptop Alarm will emit a loud alarm whenever someone tries to steal your laptop. Download the latest version now! * Protects using proven technologies when your power cable or external peripherals are disconnected or when the mouse is moved
* Compatible with all Windows versions
* It's just 200 kb!Laptop Alarm is the recommended solution for anyone with a laptop on the road or in public places.其實一般電腦也是可以用的,剛剛測試了一下~頗吵的!請謹慎使用啊><