AM-Notebook is a multi-featured personal information manager that provides an easy and reliable way to save notes, formula supported spreadsheets, to do lists ...
AM-Notebook is a multi-featured tabbed note-taking program that provides an easy and reliable way to save notes and formula supported spreadsheets in a light ...
2013/5/9 · 長期關注電腦玩物的朋友,應該都知道去年開始,我從原本使用的 Remember the Milk 待辦事項清單管理服務跳到 Google 工作表( Google Tasks )。 其實就像我最近常常提到的,只要掌握基本方法,不管工具怎麼變,都能夠萬變不離其宗,而管理 To-Do List 的基本原則 ...