F-Secure BlackLight v2.2.1064 - Rootkit偵測工具
F-Secure BlackLight v2.2.1064 - Rootkit偵測工具


Panda Anti-Rootkit v1.08 - Rootkit偵測工具


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F-Secure BlackLight v2.2.1064 - Rootkit偵測工具:

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F-Secure BlackLight v2.2.1064 - Rootkit偵測工具

F-Secure BlackLight v2.2.1064 - Rootkit偵測工具

你正在使用的系統真的安全嗎?新聞上經常報導有人的電腦因為安全性問題而被利用來做為犯罪工具,這樣的消息你真的一點都不擔心嗎?如果你想讓電腦更加安全,那麼就讓 F-Secure BlackLight 來幫助你。

常見新聞報導有人的電腦因為被裝了木馬或是系統後門洞開,而被利用做為犯罪的工具,而聰明的你難道也一樣要等警察找上門來才發覺自己已經被利用了嗎?如果你想要防範這樣的問題發生,那麼 F-Secure BlackLight 也許能夠助你一臂之力。

F-Secure BlackLight 是由知名的系統安全廠商 F-Secure 所開發的一款系統安全工具,它能夠替使用者偵測系統中可能存在的安全漏洞或是間諜軟體的存在,並且為使用者提出適當的解決之道,為你的電腦進行進一步的安全防護。

而 F-Secure BlackLight 的使用其實也非常簡單,使用者只要透過它的智慧型掃瞄來對電腦進行偵測,那麼絕大多數的惡意軟體都將無所遁形,即使是隱藏型的程序, F-Secure BlackLight 也都會為你將它們一一揪出喔!

What is F-Secure BlackLight?

F-Secure BlackLight Rootkit Elimination Technology detects objects that are hidden from users and security tools and offers the user an option to remove them. The main purpose is to fight rootkits and all kinds of malware that use rootkits. The F-Secure BlackLight Rootkit Elimination Technology works by examining the system at a deep level. This enables BlackLight to detect objects that are hidden from the user and security software.
What are the key benefits of F-Secure BlackLight Rootkit Elimination Technology?

    * F-Secure BlackLight can detect and eliminate active rootkits from the computer. Traditional antivirus scanners can't detect active rootkits.
    * On a normal system F-Secure BlackLight does not confront the user with a long list of suspected objects. This makes F-Secure BlackLight useful even for non-technical users.
    * F-Secure BlackLight Rootkit Elimination Technology can be used in the background during normal system operation. Other available scanners require a reboot during scan or may produce false positives if the system is used during scanning.

For whom is F-Secure BlackLight intended?

F-Secure BlackLight is intended for all computer users who want additional security by checking their system for rootkits. F-Secure BlackLight is suitable for use in both home and business environments.


F Secure BlackLight v221064 Rootkit偵測工具

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