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Purchasing Information SoftPerfect RAM Disk pricing A single device licence allows you to install and use the software on one device only. If you expect a large or unknown number of installations, a site or worldwide licence may be more convenient.
Introduction SoftPerfect RAM Disk is a high-performance RAM disk application that lets you have a disk on your computer entirely stored in the memory. As the memory is much faster than physical hard disks, it makes sense to store temporary data on a fast
RAM Disk 的使用可以讓系統的程式運作加速,將記憶體模擬成硬碟使用,在讀取效能上快上十倍,最常見的使用就是建立軟體的快取空間,或是將軟體整個放置在 RAM Disk 之中,順暢度都會有明顯的提升。之前比較著名的 RAM Dsik 工具非 RAMDisk 莫屬,不過我覺得 SoftPerfect RAM Disk 的使用更加方便,而且還能多重掛載,並且提供了管理介面,繁體中文介面大家也會更加順手。