6 Oct 2013 ... If you don't like iOS 7, you can downgrade your iPhone 4 to iOS 6.1.3 using iFaith . In this article, we give you step-by-step instructions on how to ...
iFaith is an open source SHSH dumper for the Windows family of operating systems written by iH8sn0w. It works on all devices that are susceptible to the ...
iFaith is a dedicated SHSH dumper, a tool that allows users to save SHSH blobs from any iOS device for a later use as well as to downgrade the firmware ...
iFaith, like the more famous TinyUmbrella utility, is a tool that allows you to save your SHSH blobs for later use. But that's pretty much where the similarities end.
IFaith is a useful tool developed by iH8Sn0w, which can be used in order to dump SHSHS blobs for present iOS version of any iDevice and then to create a ...