babyftp server
babyftp server


Baby FTP Server

4天前-BabyFTPServerisabasicFTPserverthatallowsonlyanonymousaccess.ItsupportsmostRFC959FTPcommands,aswellasPASVand ...

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Download zipped executable - Pablo Software Solutions

readme.txtBaby FTP Server by Pablo Software Solutions 1.24 I get a lot of request for a simple FTP server, without a facny UI or lots of features. ...

Baby Web Server - Pablo Software Solutions

Programming, source code, downloads, MFC, ATL, COM, popup killer, ftp server, ftp client, wysiwyg web builder, asp server, Baby ASP Web Server Version 2.7.2 This program was build as an alternative for Microsoft's IIS. ...

Quick 'n Easy FTP Server Lite

Baby FTP Server ... Quick 'n Easy FTP Server Lite is a special version of our award winning FTP ... Easy to setup using the build-in FTP Server Setup Wizard.

DoWNLoaD - Pablo Software Solutions

license.txtLicense Agreement for Baby Web Server: This application is free for personal use. This application may not be sold, rented, leased, sublicensed or modified without permission of the author. This application is provided "AS IS" without

babyftp server :

2006年3月1日 - 檔案的確非常小的一個ftp server 功能也是陽春到一個不可以~ 怎說呢?因為連建帳號都不能~ 大家都匿名登入啦!! 適合區域網路囉^^. babyftp.

Baby POP3 Server - Pablo Software Solutions

Baby POP3 Server Version 1.04 In the past I have done several projects related to e-mail (POP3/SMTP/IMAP4). One of the problems (at least in my company) is that there are never good test servers available. So that's why I decided to create this simple

Quick 'n Easy FTP Server - Pablo Software Solutions

Quick 'n Easy FTP Server is a multi threaded FTP server for Windows 98/NT/XP/2003 and Vista(32 bits) that can be easily setup even by inexperienced users. New users can be easily created by a wizard which is guiding you step by step in the process. Th

Baby FTP Server - Free download and software reviews

Basic FTP server, without a fancy UI or lots of features. This Baby FTP server has only the most necessary features and is yet powerful enough to be a basis for

Baby FTP Server - 超迷你FTP 伺服器

2009年11月25日 - Baby FTP Server - 超迷你FTP 伺服器, 相信大家都使用過FTP 軟體來傳輸檔案,這樣的檔案傳輸方式確實方便,如果自己也能快速架設一部FTP ...

《FTP Server》架設FTP非難事,3秒輕鬆架設完成

不過當然不是每個人都會架設,《FTP Server》是一套非常輕易操作的FTP ... 有一套babyftp也很簡單,一樣3秒鐘就可以架好 FTP 等阿湯介紹一下~~ 阿湯說: OK呀,你都幫我找梗了,一定要寫一寫 ...

babyftp server

babyftp server

檔案的確非常小的一個ftp server

babyftp server

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