Home of the DNSCrypt project, a protocol to improve DNS security. Download DNSCrypt clients, the DNSCrypt server proxy, and read the specifications here.
When you use HTTPS or SSL, your web browsing traffic is encrypted. When you use a VPN, all of your traffic is encrypted (usually). Sometimes even with HTTPS and VPNs in play, DNS requests—or the way your computer translates "lifehacker.com" into
adguard-dns-ns1, Adguard DNS 1, Remove ads and protect your computer from ... cs-caeast, CS Canada east DNSCrypt server, provided by cryptostorm.is ...
DNSCrypt is a piece of lightweight software that everyone should use to boost online privacy and security. It works by encrypting all DNS traffic between the user and OpenDNS, preventing any spying, spoofing or man-in-the-middle attacks. In the same way t
It works by encrypting all DNS traffic between the user and DNSCrypt is a lightweight software that everyone should use to boost online privacy and security. It works by encrypting all DNS traffic between the user and CNET REVIEWS NEWS DOWNLOAD
很多人都認為上網是理所當然,也不會去了解 DNS 解析等等的問題,更不會知道 DNS 的重要性,簡單來說 DNS 次用來解析網址的,解析之後得到網站目標的 IP 位置,這樣才能夠正常的瀏覽網站。若是有人從中操控了 DNS 的解析結果,就能夠輕易地竊取你的帳號密碼,這怎麼說呢?下一段再告訴你!而 DNS Crypt 這工具就是在保護 DNS 的傳輸封包,透過加密的方式傳輸到 OpenDNS 再解密,確保 DNS 解析的安全性。