dnscrypt-proxy - A tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver.
Free Download DNSCrypt 0.0.6 Beta - A powerful and simple-to-configure software tool that encrypts DNS traffic to keep your communication secure and ...
DNSCrypt is a network protocol designed by Frank Denis and Yecheng Fu, which authenticates Domain Name System (DNS) traffic between the user's ...
2015年1月14日 - This article was posted a while back but I've decided to repost it because there's a new PPA that you can use to install dnscrypt-proxy in Ubuntu ...
DNSCrypt是OpenDNS发布的加密DNS工具,可加密DNS流量,阻止常见的DNS攻击,如重放攻击、观察攻击、时序攻击、中间人攻击和解析伪造攻击。DNSCrypt支持Mac OS和Windows,是防止DNS污染的绝佳工具。 DNSCrypt使用类似于SSL的加密连接向DNS
Home of the DNSCrypt project, a protocol to improve DNS security. Download DNSCrypt clients, the DNSCrypt server proxy, and read the specifications here.
2011年12月14日 - 在上周OpenDNS 發表了他們新工具– DNSCrypt的預覽版。將它吹捧成是網路私密性和安全性的巨大進步。立意很簡單,就是加密使用者在查詢DNS ...
Home of the Simple DNSCrypt project. Download Simple DNSCrypt.
adguard-dns-ns1, Adguard DNS 1, Remove ads and protect your computer from ... cs-caeast, CS Canada east DNSCrypt server, provided by cryptostorm.is ...
Mac OSX application to control the DNSCrypt Proxy. Contribute to dnscrypt-osxclient development by creating an account on GitHub.