【iOS】3DMARK 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具,可以換 iPhone 5S 了!
【iOS】3DMARK 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具,可以換 iPhone 5S 了!


3DMark benchmarks


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3DMark cross

3DMark for iOS 3DMark 11 3DMark Vantage PCMark PCMark for Android PCMark 8 PCMark 7 PCMark Vantage Powermark ... Use 3DMark Sky Diver to benchmark systems with mainstream graphics cards, mobile GPUs, or integrated graphics.

Futuremark Press Releases — 3DMark now available on iOS

3DMark now available on iOS September 9, 2013 3DMark is now available as a free app for Apple iOS devices. The iOS edition of 3DMark includes everything you need to accurately benchmark the performance of your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. What's more

3DMark Ice Storm Benchmark on the App Store - iTunes

2016年3月29日 - 3DMark Ice Storm is a cross-platform benchmarking app for older Apple devices up to and including the iPhone 5, iPad 4, iPad mini. Download ...

3DMark iOS 基准测试 - Futuremark

通过3DMark(适用于游戏玩家的基准测试)对您的iPhone 和iPad 进行基准测试。免费下载,立即开始基准测试吧!

3DMark Sling Shot Benchmark on the App Store - iTunes

2016年9月30日 - 3DMark Sling Shot is a cross-platform benchmarking app for the latest smartphones and tablets. Test the performance of your iPhone and iPad ...

3DMark Ice Storm Benchmark on the App Store

3DMark Ice Storm is a cross-platform benchmarking app for older Apple devices up to and including the iPhone 5, iPad 4, iPad mini. Download 3DMark Sling Shot from the App Store to benchmark and compare more recent models. - Measure the GPU and CPU perform

3DMark iOS Benchmark

Benchmark your iPhone and iPad with 3DMark, the Gamer's Benchmark. Free download, start benchmarking now!

3DMark - Windows, Android, and iOS

3DMark - Windows, Android, and iOS 3DMark 11 3DMark Vantage PCMark VRMark Other Products and Services Feedback and Ideas Hardware and Software Graphics Cards and Drivers CPUs and Motherboards Other Hardware and Devices Operating Systems ...

3DMark Android Benchmark

The Gamer's Benchmark for Android Benchmark your Android smartphone and tablet with 3DMark, then compare its performance with more than 3000 other devices. You can even compare your Android benchmark test scores with phones and tablets running ...

3DMark 玩家評測2017.01.13 - 手機效能測試軟體[Android/iOS/WP]

手機效能測試軟體- 3DMark 玩家評測,跟電腦版一樣會進行跑分的測試,以高畫質的影音遊戲、圖片顯示來測試手機效能,最後將測試總分、手機詳細資訊顯示於手機 ...

【iOS】3DMARK 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具,可以換 iPhone 5S 了!

【iOS】3DMARK 手機螢幕顯示效能評測工具,可以換 iPhone 5S 了!

3DMARK 一直是很著名的顯示效能評測工具,Android 3DMARK 也上架好一段時間了,如今 iOS 版本的也上架囉!在 iPhone 5S 發表前夕讓我發現這款工具,是要讓我知道效能已經很差了嗎?通常效能評測都是同系統的手機在比較,不過也因為 iOS 的平台上架,所有的分數可以統整在一起,大家都說效能好的蘋果手機,到底跟現今旗艦機種比起來又是如何呢?

iOS 3DMARK 手機顯示評測

評測共分為三個等級,分別為 Ice Storm、Ice Storm Extreme、Ice Storm Unlimited,點擊 Run 來測試看看跑分吧!說真的,蘋果手機就這幾隻,沒有像 Android 有眾多手機可以評比效能,不過也可以藉此知道 iPhone 的效能到底是到什麼等級,也算是一個參考指標。

iOS 3DMARK 手機顯示評測


iOS 3DMARK 手機顯示評測iOS 3DMARK 手機顯示評測

Ice Storm 得分為 5392 、Ice Storm Extreme 得分為 3358 、Ice Storm Unlimited 得分為 5497,這樣的表現到底好不好呢?大家可以切換到 DEVICE CHANNEL 來查看,上方 Filters 能設定過濾條件,三個項目的評測都在 50 名之後,代表 iPhone 5 上是十個多月以來,有一堆手機的規格都超前許多囉!所以蘋果迷們要換手機了嗎?哈哈!

iOS 3DMARK 下載:這裡


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