Nokia Lumia 520 (Windows Phone 8) VS Apple iPhone 4S (iOS 7 ...

Lumia 安裝 iOS 7 成功!到底是怎麼辦到的?


US Government makes Nokia Lumia run iOS

Its amazing what is possible, as as the above video shows the WIRELESS EMERGENCY ALERT system has managed to get iOS running on a Lumia 900.

iOS 7 running on Windows Phone!!!

Super-stripped ios 7 emulator app. Share. Share this post ... It's just "switch to ios 7" from store Sent from my Lumia 820 using Tapatalk. Share.

iOS 7 vs. Windows Phone 8

iOS 7 vs. Windows Phone 8 Sean Rosairo Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 218 218 Loading... Loading... Working... Add to Want to watch this again later ...

Can I install iOS or Android on a Nokia Lumia?

Can I install an Android OS or iOS on the Lumia 625? Can I install Android in Nokia Lumia 525? ... Is there a way to install Android on a Nokia Lumia 800 running Windows Phone 7? How do I reset my Nokia Lumia? What is the latest update for Nokia Lumia ...

iOS 7 vs Windows Phone 8

Windows Phone 8 and iOS 7 are in more direct competition than most think. And now that iOS is sporting a new look, it leaves Windows Phone as the last mobile...

An iOS user takes the Nokia Lumia 1020 and Windows Phone for a spin

I've spent the last 12 days using the Nokia Lumia 1020 as my primary phone. Are the build quality and camera good enough to make me give up my iPhone 5 and move

IOS на Nokia lumia 610

Install Control Center Toggles on Nokia X Like iOS 7 iPhone Interface - Duration: 5:21. GadgetsToUse 46,343 views 5:21 Nokia Lumia 610 Tips, Tricks and Hacks ...

how to iunstall ios 7 on android device

Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. CWM : KARNEL : ROM : Ignore all this!... iOS 6.1.3, iOS 6.1.4, iOS 7, iOS 7.0.1, iOS 7.0.2, iOS 7.0.3, iOS 7.0.4, iOS 7.1, iP

iOS 7 vs Android Jelly Bean vs Windows...

iOS 7 vs Android Jelly Bean vs Windows Phone 8 vs BB10 In Depth Which is best in the battle of the new platforms? By Thomas Thorn The battle for...

Microsoft Demotes Lumia Smartphones As iOS Takes Priority

Microsoft Demotes Lumia Smartphones As iOS Takes Priority Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella (image: Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg) This week’s reorganisation of the leadership team at Microsoft by CEO Satya Nadella is one more step away from ...

Lumia 安裝 iOS 7 成功!到底是怎麼辦到的?

Lumia 安裝 iOS 7 成功!到底是怎麼辦到的?

Lumia 手機安裝 iOS 7 的系統!!!Windows Phone 也能裝 iOS?若真的可以的話,我想 NOKIA 的手機應該會大賣吧!不過以上圖片是真實的,手機是我的 Lumia 1020,這不只是一張圖片而已,畫面可以左右滑動,所有按鈕都可以操作,並且對應到 Windows Phone 上的應用程式,這對 Windows Phone 用戶來說是一個很棒的體驗機會,接下來教大家怎麼安裝。

Lumia 裝 iOS 7Lumia 裝 iOS 7

下載安裝 iOS 7 Lite:這裡

ヽ(`Д´)ノ 莊孝維!原來只是 App 啊!

這是一款可以實際操作的 iOS 7 介面,至少不是一張圖而已^^,部分的圖示可以完整結合 Windows Phone 系統的操作,部分只是連結到市集搜尋相關的 App,還有一部分是開啟瀏覽器視窗,我個人覺得算是頗有趣的啊!若是可以自己設定對應的 App,那麼也會有一定的實用價值(我是認真的)。

Lumia 裝 iOS 7


下載安裝 iOS 7 Lite:這裡,或是掃描以下 QRcode


Lumia iOS 7

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