最強籃球阿伯(Uncle Drew) 厄文(Kyrie Irving) - 中文字幕- YouTube

美國大叔打籃球就是厲害!Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew 系列一次收看


Uncle Drew | Chapter 4 | Pepsi

Oh, just a pair of Limited Kyrie Irving x Uncle Drew NIKE Kyrie 1's, a Pepsi Uncle Drew Nike hoodie, a Kyrie bobblehead, and some stickers & magnets. We'll be giving out five kits every week over the next three weeks so keep entering! Sneaker

Kyrie Irving's 'Uncle Drew' Pepsi Commercial to Get Film Treatment ...

2 天前 - Temple Hill has acquired the feature film rights to NBA star Kyrie Irving's "Uncle Drew" Pepsi commercials.

Kyrie Irving to Play 'Uncle Drew' in Upcoming Movie

2 天前 - Kyrie Irving 's popular "Uncle Drew" character featured in Pepsi commercials is coming to the big screen...

Uncle Drew- The Kyrie Irving Experiment

NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED- I feel like this video is a play off of the "Lebrons" from a few years ago. Although we have seen this before, Kyrie is absolutely hillarious and I believe most of the people don't know it's really him in the film


1 天前 - Uncle Drew is getting his own movie. Kyrie Irving's alter ego 'Uncle Drew' which he has played in a number of different Pepsi commercials is ...

Kyrie Irving

Irving also wrote and directed episode 4 of "Uncle Drew", which was released in November 2015, an episode he starred in alongside Baron Davis, J. B. Smoove and Ray Allen. Awards and honors High School 2010 McDonald's All-American 2010 Nike H

Uncle Drew - N.2 - Kyrie Irving - Kevin Love

Kyrie Irving Releases Uncle Drew Chapter 4 Starring Ray Allen - Duration: 5:53. POLAR OPPOSITES w/ Big Tee & Cool Hand Phil 107,968 views

Uncle Drew | Chapter 3 | Pepsi Max

Sneak Peek of Uncle Drew, Chapter 3 Coming 10.28.13 | Pepsi - Duration: 0:22. Pepsi 1,149,552 views 0:22 ... On Set With Kyrie Irving: Uncle Drew Chapter 2 | Exclusive Peek | Pepsi MAX - Duration: 2:13. Pepsi 3,072,207 views 2:13 Harlem Shake | Jeff ...

“超強的籃球阿伯-Uncle Drew”為百事可樂獲取大量年輕族群認同的微 ...

2013年10月31日 - 超強的籃球阿伯-Uncle Drew”為百事可樂獲取大量年輕族群認同的微電影 ... 原來,那個老人是目前NBA的當紅球星-爾文(Kyrie Irving)所變裝的( ...

Kyrie Irving 2014-15 Season NASTY Ball Handling Moves Compilation Part1 - Uncle Drew!

Kyrie Irving 2014-15 Season NASTY Ball Handling Moves Compilation Part1 - Uncle Drew! FreeDawkins Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 380,561 380K Loading... Loading... Working...

美國大叔打籃球就是厲害!Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew 系列一次收看

美國大叔打籃球就是厲害!Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew 系列一次收看

看別人打籃球總是很熱血,尤其街頭籃球更是讓人覺得精彩,不得不佩服怎麼就是有人那麼厲害,但是年輕人厲害不稀奇,畢竟有的是體力和速度,不過有些老人球還真是他 X 的超級厲害,老人有的是經驗,也不是年輕小夥子可以輕易擊倒的。Uncle Drew 系列是現役 NBA 球員裝扮成老人在打街頭籃球,雖然說想也知道是演出來的,但是爽度真的不錯,或許就是喜歡看到對比的感覺吧!同樣一種運球、過人、灌籃,畫上老人妝似乎就是更厲害了一點,現在進行到第三系列囉!一起來看看吧!

Pepsi MAX & Kyrie Irving Present: "Uncle Drew: Chapter 3"

Pepsi MAX & Kyrie Irving Present: "Uncle Drew: Chapter 2"

Pepsi MAX & Kyrie Irving Present: "Uncle Drew"

Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew

Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew 相關文章
