Moo0 Anti-Recovery lets you easily erase all the recoverable data from the empty space of your disk drive, leaving the existing files untouched. Have you ever ...
Moo0 Anti-Recovery is a software designed to prevent data retrieval using any recovery program. To perform such task, this tool uses reliable technologies of ...
Moo0 Anti-Recovery lets you easily erase all the recoverable data from the empty space of your disk drive, leaving the existing data untouched. Have you ever ...
Moo0 Anti Recovery, free download. Erase recoverable data from your disk drive. Review of Moo0 Anti Recovery with a star rating, 1 screenshot along with a virus/malware test and ...
電腦中的資料最怕的就是遺失,因此救援軟體是大家偶爾會用到的工具,不過若曾經存在比較私密、關鍵的檔案,在一般的刪除後也是會留下痕跡,一樣可以使用救援軟體救回,所以才會有徹底刪除之類的工具,而今天介紹這款 Moo0 Anti Recovery(Moo0 DiskWiper)是從另一個面向而設計的,他可以清除任何可能被救援的蛛絲馬跡,讓救援軟體吃上閉門羹,若是你對於你曾經刪除過的檔案案有隱私疑慮,就可以使用這款工具,而且並不會刪除硬碟上目前存在的資料。