Trimto, free download. A basic image cropping and sharpening edge tool which can resize, crop, convert and rename images with ease. Review of Trimto with a star rating, 1 screenshot along with a virus/malware test and a free download link.
Trimto _ 軟體下載
Trimto v1.4.5.1 快速幫圖片裁切、修改尺寸、存檔…一氣呵成! 2014/10/01 作者:不來恩 2014/10/1 更新:軟體版本更新至 v1.4.5.1 最新版。 網路上有各種實用的相片編輯或繪圖軟體可以幫我們完成各種關於照片處理與加工等工作,不過如果你常常需要幫圖片裁 ...
圖片照片裁剪軟體 Trimto - 資訊下載
Trimto是一款相當特別的圖片剪裁軟體,主要功能及特色就是能夠快速剪裁圖片並自動儲,儲存格式支援:JPG、BMP、PNG、TIFF、GIF等長間隔式喔。 軟體資訊 【軟體名稱】Trimto 【官方網頁】點我前往
Trimto 中文切換教學
Trimto 中文切換教學 1 在下方空白處按右鍵→「Text/Language Settings...」。 2 在「Language」下拉選單中選取「Chinese Traditional」→「OK」。 3 中文介面切換完成 ...
Trimto v1.5.0.0 繁體中文版
2015年6月2日 - Trimto 是一款圖片快速裁切、修改尺寸、存檔一氣呵成的免費軟體,且可同時處理銳化邊緣及自動校正,支援輸入和輸出BMP、PNG、JPEG、和GIF 等 ...
Trimto - フリーソフト&壁紙ギャラリー
Trimto is an image editor to process "Crop-Resize-Save" in one operation. "Sharpen Edge" and "Auto Correction" can be processed simultaneously. It can be downloaded from Software page. Screenshot Click the image to enlarge Fe
Trimto - Free download and software reviews
From Inagaki: Trimto is a simple application to edit images. It is an image editor to process crop, resize, and save in one operation. You can also simultaneously process auto correction and sharpen edges. It supports BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and GIF input .
Trimto. 15 likes. Hey guy's I'm Trimto, a simple guy who loves to entertain people and make them smile! Thanks for dropping by! ... hey there guys It's Trimto here! Thanks for coming to check out my channel. I'm going to be playing all sor