2006年3月28日 - Abstract — Chronic motor deficits in the upper limb (UL) are a major contributor to ... Rehabilitation Research and Development Service (grant V512(P)P-521-02). ..... Volpe BT, Ferraro M, Krebs HI, Hogan N. Robotics in the ...
2006年4月28日 - This material was based on work supported by grant V512(P)P-521-02 from the Rehabilitation ... This may be because of the majority of motor deficit recovery occurs ..... Aisen ML, Krebs HI, Hogan N, McDowell F, Volpe BT.
... ignition systems and engine technology, specialized pumps and valves, power conditioning devices, specialized AC/DC electric motors and generators, NiCad batteries and chargers, engineered latching and locking devices, ...
2012年2月13日 - This study tested in children with cerebral palsy (CP) whether motor ..... the Veterans Administration Grant V512(P)P-521-02, the Cerebral Palsy ... Krebs HI, Aisen ML, Volpe BT, Hogan N. Quantization of continuous arm ...
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