Shutdown8 1.08 自動關機的方便工具
Shutdown8 1.08 自動關機的方便工具


Shutdown8: Free Computer Shutdown Program with Timer


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Shutdown8 Download - Softpedia

DOWNLOAD Shutdown8 1.08 for Windows CHANGELOG for Shutdown8 1.08 top alternatives FREE Shutdown Monster Task Killer RK Launcher TimeComX Basic Vista - Shutdown Timer top alternatives PAID Auto Power-on Shut-down PC Auto file size: 851 KB ...

Shutdown8 快速關機按鈕(支援登出、重開機、定時關機) _ 重灌狂人

2016/4/14 更新:軟體版本更新至 v1.08 最新版。 微軟 Windows 8 新版作業系統把傳統的 [開始按鈕] 跟 [開始選單] 都拿掉了,讓很多人使用起來相當不習慣。雖然聽說開始按鈕在下個更新版裡面會重新出現,不過原始的開始選單再也

Shutdown8 - Free download and software reviews

From Bandisoft: Shutdown8 is a simple program that very simply allows you to add the shutdown button onto the taskbar and select the Shut down, Log off, Restart, Timer, Sleep or Hibernate menu. Users can use the shutdown button on the taskbar more quickly


Shutdown8: Free Computer Shutdown Program with Timer Shutdown8 is a simple program that allows users to shut down their computers with a timer. Users can simply add this program onto the taskbar and select the Shut down, Log off, Restart, ...

Shutdown8 - Бесплатная программа

Shutdown8 - Бесплатная программа-таймер для завершения работы ПК. Shutdown8 - простая программа, которая позволяет пользователям выключать ...

Shutdown | Definition of Shutdown by Merriam

Define shutdown: the act of stopping the operation or activity of a business, machine, etc., for a period of time or forever — shutdown in a sentence ... Seen and Heard What made you want to look up shutdown? Please tell us where you read or heard it (inc

Shutdown8 v1.08 中文版,快速登出、重開機、關機按鈕

安裝好 Shutdown8 之後,桌面與工具列上會出現一個關機按鈕,在桌面按一下 Shutdown8 按鈕即可快速讓電腦關機、重開機或休眠、登出,另外還提供了定時自動關機的功能,可讓電腦在10分鐘、20分鐘、1小時、2小時候自動關機。

Download Shutdown8 For Windows 8, 8.1 - Bandisoft

Download Shutdown8 For Windows 8, 8.1 Feb 27, 2014 | Techuism « News / Review list Shutdown8 is a very simple program which is designed to help you access the power options in an easier way computer. In general, one can say that the goal of the ...


Shutdown8 is a simple program that very simply allows you to add the shutdown button onto the taskbar and select the Shut down, Log off, Restart, Timer, Sleep or Hibernate menu. Users can use the shutdown button on the taskbar more quickly and power off .


Shutdown8 - Darmowy program do wyłączania systemu z funkcją licznika. Shutdown8 to prosty program, który pozwala użytkownikom wyłączyć komputer z ...

Shutdown8 1.08 自動關機的方便工具

Shutdown8 1.08 自動關機的方便工具

當初 Windows 8 剛發行的時候,許多人連關機都不會,這可一點都不誇張,甚至還有許多關機教學文章,沒有開始功能表真的讓不少人覺 Windows 超級難用,你也這麼覺得嗎?Shutdown8 是一款用在 Windows 8 上的關機工具,可以快速的關機、登出、重新開機,或是以倒數計時的方式自動關機,若你不習慣原本要使用 Ctrl+ i 的關機方式,那就用這款小工具吧!

將 Shutdown8.exe 拖曳釘選到系統工具列,之後直接在工具列點選就能使用。


Shutdown8 1.08.rar(ZippyShare下載)
Shutdown8 1.08.rar(FireDrive下載)
Shutdown8 1.08.rar(Uploading下載)
Shutdown8 1.08.rar(MediaFire下載)
Shutdown8 1.08.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:165 KB


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