Shutdown8 is a simple program that very simply allows you to add the shutdown button onto the taskbar and select the Shut down, Log off, Restart, Timer, Sleep or Hibernate menu. Users can use the shutdown button on the taskbar more quickly and power off .
Define shutdown: the act of stopping the operation or activity of a business, machine, etc., for a period of time or forever — shutdown in a sentence ... Seen and Heard What made you want to look up shutdown? Please tell us where you read or heard it (inc
2016年4月14日 - Shutdown8 是一款為使用者打造可快速讓電腦關機、登出、重新啟動的工具,而且也提供定時自動關機的計時功能,讓電腦在10 分鐘、30 分鐘、1 ...
Shutdown8 - 免费的电脑增强关机软件(支持win8快捷关机). Shutdown8 是一款短小精干的电脑快速关机和可定时关机的软件。 您可以通过简单地操作,将程序添加 ...
Examples To shut down \\MyServer in 60 seconds, force running applications to close, restart the computer after shutdown, indicate a user code, indicate that the shutdown is planned, log major reason code 125, and log minor reason code 1, type: sh
Shutdown8: Free Computer Shutdown Program with Timer. Shutdown8 is a simple program that allows users to shut down their computers with a timer.
Shutdown8 - Бесплатная программа-таймер для завершения работы ПК. Shutdown8 - простая программа, которая позволяет пользователям выключать ...
安裝好 Shutdown8 之後,桌面與工具列上會出現一個關機按鈕,在桌面按一下 Shutdown8 按鈕即可快速讓電腦關機、重開機或休眠、登出,另外還提供了定時自動關機的功能,可讓電腦在10分鐘、20分鐘、1小時、2小時候自動關機。
DOWNLOAD Shutdown8 1.08 for Windows CHANGELOG for Shutdown8 1.08 top alternatives FREE Shutdown Monster Task Killer RK Launcher TimeComX Basic Vista - Shutdown Timer top alternatives PAID Auto Power-on Shut-down PC Auto file size: 851 KB ...
Shutdown8: Free Computer Shutdown Program with Timer Shutdown8 is a simple program that allows users to shut down their computers with a timer. Users can simply add this program onto the taskbar and select the Shut down, Log off, Restart, ...