Wise Plugin Manager 1.28 瀏覽器外掛附加元件管理工具(IE、Firefox、Chrome、Opera)

Wise Plugin Manager 1.28 瀏覽器外掛附加元件管理工具(IE、Firefox、Chrome、Opera)

回想起以前當網管時很單純,因為大家幾乎都是用 IE 瀏覽器,除錯找問題的步驟幾乎都相同,看看有沒有什麼詭異的外掛與工具列,所以處理的步驟很單純。而現在瀏覽器真的很多款,主流的覽覽器已經是 Chrome 與 Firefox,除錯的步驟其實會更麻煩,這時可以利用 Wise Plugin Manager 管理工具來集中查看,揪出無用、異常的外掛或許會更加迅速。

Wise Plugin Manager 能管理的瀏覽器有 IE、Firefox、Chrome 與 Opera,能列出附加元件、外掛等清單,結合到雲端資料庫可以查看外掛評價,能夠快速地關閉或是刪除,當覺得瀏覽器有點異常時,不妨先將無用的項目都關閉看看,搞不好問題就能迎刃而解囉!


Wise Plugin Manager 1.28.rar(MediaFire下載)
Wise Plugin Manager 1.28.rar(Rapidgator下載)
Wise Plugin Manager 1.28.rar(ZippyShare下載)
Wise Plugin Manager 1.28.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:1.32 MB

Wise Plugin Manager

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Wise Plugin Manager 1.28 is released! Download it now!

Wise Plugin Manager 1.28. Oct. 12, 2015. Wise Plugin Manager keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows: Changes:.

Tech Specifications - Wise Plugin Manager

Wise Plug-in Manager is used for turning on/off or removing browser plug-ins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars.

Wise Plugin Manager 中文版

2015年10月19日 - Wise Plugin Manager 顯示安裝在您網頁瀏覽器的所有外掛程式、擴充套件、工具列以及附加元件,為您提供一種快速方法從您的電腦將它們停用或 ...

The User Guide of Wise Plugin Manager--

Wise Plug-in Manager is used for turning on/off or removing browser plug-ins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars.

Reviews for Wise Plugin Manager

Wise Plug-in Manager is used for turning on/off or removing browser plug-ins, add-ons and extensions like toolbars.

Wise Plugin Manager 1.28 is released! Download it now!

Wise Plugin Manager 1.28. Oct. 12, 2015. Wise Plugin Manager keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows: Changes:.

Wise Plugin Manager

Wise Plugin Manager enables you to turn on/off or remove browser plugins, add-ons and extensions like toolbar. It is applicable to Chrome, IE, Mozilla Firefox ...

Wise Plugin Manager 免安裝中文版

開關移除瀏覽器工具列或外掛- Wise Plugin Manager,能夠偵測瀏覽器所安裝的工具列或外掛,簡單按一下就可以直接開啟或關閉,或者直接刪除,操作前必須先關閉 ...

Wise Plugin Manager 1.27 is released! Download it now!

Wise Plugin Manager 1.27. May. 05, 2015. Wise Plugin Manager keeps on its improvements, and the newly released notes are as follows: Changes: Updated ...