Glary Disk Explorer is a free, simple but powerful free disk analysis tool to allow people to quickly identify large files that could be wasting space and hurting ...
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system. Organize your file types
當電腦空間不足的時候,大家都會想要找出占空間的檔案或是資料夾,我個人比較習慣 RidNacs 這套分析工具,而這次與大家分享的 Glary Disk Explorer 是比較偏向檔案總管的形式,方便的地方在於可以快速的排序資料夾空間大小,讓大家在查詢空間不足問題時可以更加迅速,此外也能列出多層資料夾中的所有檔案,快速的排序出檔案大小,或是依照檔案類型來分別瀏覽。