BCTextEncoder 重要的訊息先加密再說!
BCTextEncoder 重要的訊息先加密再說!


BCTextEncoder Download

2015年12月16日-FreeDownloadBCTextEncoder1.02.1-Small-sized,portableandsimple-to-useapplicationthatcanencryptconfidentialtextinmessages ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

How to use BCTextEncoder

To run BCTextEncoder for the first time, you should run BCTextEncoder.exe file which was downloaded from our site. BCTextEncoder main window will appear ...


Introduction. BCTextEncoder is a line in BestCrypt family of encryption software products. BCTextEncoder software provides an easy way of encoding and ...

BCTextEncoder - Free download and software reviews

2012年11月1日 - BCTextEncoderTM utility software simplifies encoding and decoding text data. Plain text data are compressed, encrypted and converted to text ...

[PDF] BCTextEncoder

BCTextEncoder is a line in BestCrypt family of encryption software products. ... BCTextEncoder uses public key encryption methods as well as password based ...

Download BCTextEncoder

Never worry that someone might read a confidential email, BCTextEncoder will easily encrypt part or all of your messages. ...

Download BCTextEncoder Free

2014年3月10日 - Download the latest version of BCTextEncoder free. Encrypt your private messages.

Jetico BCTextEncoder

Free Text Encryption Software - Encrypt plain text to securely email sensitive data with BCTextEncoder.

BCTextEncoder Commands and Options

BCTextEncoder Commands and Options. Menu Items. File. Open - open a text file to encode or encoded text to decode; Save - save the current window contents ...

BCTextEncoder 重要的訊息先加密再說!

BCTextEncoder 重要的訊息先加密再說!


△ 加密方式超簡單,簡單的輸入文字內容後點選 Encode 加密,這時候會要你輸入密碼,並且重新確認一次密碼,完成之後就可以在下方 Encode text 中看到已經被加密的訊息。

△ 解密方式也很簡單,將加密後的文字內容貼於 Encode text 當中,點選 Decode 並且輸入密碼即可解密。

△ 若覺得使用密碼也不太安全的話,還可以使用金鑰的方式,安全等級更上一層樓。

△ 還有專屬的金鑰管理工具,是有沒有要那麼專業?是有沒有要那麼機密啦???!!!!


BCTextEncoder 1.02.1.rar(1gbpsbox下載)
BCTextEncoder 1.02.1.rar(MediaFire下載)
BCTextEncoder 1.02.1.rar(Rapidgator下載)
BCTextEncoder 1.02.1.rar(ZippyShare下載)
BCTextEncoder 1.02.1.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:1.19 MB


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