W10Privacy is one of the many specialized applications that focus on removing all tracking elements from your PC, even if you are not a tech-savvy user. However, it is best to create a restore point before tampering with any of the settings. This utility
W10Privacy has a built in update checker and a handful of user settings as well. Version History for W10Privacy: http://www.winprivacy.de/deutsch-start/versionshistorie/ Screenshot for W10Privacy Comments « Browser Password Dump 5.0 · W10Privacy 2.1.5 ...
W10Privacy - Download. W10Privacy wird "so wie es ist", ohne jegliche Haftung und unter Ausschluss jeglicher Gewährleistung, als Freeware bereitgestellt.
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系統優化調整是件非常有趣的事情,大家都喜望電腦可以更快更快,關閉所有沒有必要的應用資源,除了常見的系統優化工具之外,W10Privacy 也是非常強大的 Windows 系統進階調整工具,他不像優化軟體那麼直覺,甚至要對系統有更多的認知,才有辦法駕馭這樣的工具,有興趣的玩家、超進階的玩家們可以試試看!支援 Windows 10 與 Windows 11。