Banshee Screamer Alarm
Banshee Screamer Alarm


Banshee Screamer Alarm 實用的電腦定時器,可當鬧鐘、倒數計時、碼表及開啟應用程式(繁體中文版)


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Banshee Screamer Alarm

Banshee Screamer Alarm FREE Banshee Screamer Alarm was designed with one purpose in mind: To wake you up. Is your clock radio broken? You never had a clock radio? You can't be bothered to go out and buy a clock radio? Do you sleep at your desk?

Banshee Screamer Alarm 2.55

Banshee Screamer Alarm also functions as a Timer and Counter. Left and Right Clicking on the digital display will set hours and minutes. ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm Download

Banshee Screamer Alarm is a program that you can use as an alarm clock. The interface of this tool consists of a very small window in which you can view the current time in big red numbers. By opening the context menu, you can access "Options" t

Portable Banshee Screamer Alarm Download

Portable Banshee Screamer Alarm 2.55 send us an update 4,616 downloads Updated: July 27th, 2008 Freeware 3.8 / 5 3 Description download 100% FREE report malware 4 screenshots An alarm clock that functions like a standard clock radio The program ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm free download by Steve Hanov

Banshee Screamer Alarm was designed with one purpose in mind: To wake you up. Is your clock radio broken? You never had a clock radio? You can't be bothered to go out and buy a clock radio? Do you sleep at your desk? Good! Because Banshee Screamer ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm不錯過重要時間

2009年11月25日 - Banshee Screamer Alarm不錯過重要時間, Banshee Screamer Alarm是一個時鐘、也是一個鬧鐘、更提供了計時器的功能,讓使用者正著數或倒著 ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm Free Download

2015年5月22日 - The freeware download presented here is called Banshee Screamer Alarm. The only purpose of this application is to wake you up. You will no ...

免費軟體||功能強大的電腦鬧鐘-Banshee Screamer Alarm 2.55 多語免安裝版 @ 企鵝碎碎唸 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :

Banshee Screamer Alarm 提供鬧鐘、碼表與定時器功能,且能縮放面板與更換皮膚 同時還支援貪睡、喚醒、快捷鍵、多國語系、自動關機、網路時間同步化 等諸多實用功能 為一款體積小、速度快,功能強大的免費電腦鬧鐘軟體,非常值得一用喔!

Banshee Screamer Alarm

2007年2月24日 - Banshee Screamer is an alarm clock designed with one purpose in mind: To wake you up. Is your clock radio broken? You never had a clock ...

Banshee Screamer Alarm - Free Download

Banshee Screamer Alarm is a free, snoozeable alarm clock designed to wake you up.

Banshee Screamer Alarm

Banshee Screamer Alarm

Banshee Screamer Alarm可以讓使用者設定在一星期中的某一天、或是每天的固定時間自動鬧鈴,其除了可以利用系統標準而難聽的呼叫聲之外,還可以直接讀取CD音樂、或WAV、AU、MP3音樂檔案,讓你可以在自己喜愛的音樂聲中起床。使用者還可以設定鬧鈴的響聲長短、以及螢幕上的提醒文字,讓你很難忽略它的存在。



Banshee Screamer Alarm

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