url blocker free download - URL Blocker, ABC Blocker, Url Snooper, and many more programs ... Best Star Wars game apps for Android and iOS Android antivirus that won't slow your phone Best free and paid VPNs -- and why you need ...
Add a website you want to block in the options and it is automatically blocked. When you try to go to this page it will be redirected to a special blocked website ...
2013年7月9日 - http://www.wips.com/support/block-site-addon. General usage. You can add and/or remove websites, you don't want to visit ever again, via the ...
2017年5月8日 - Find out how you can block any website on Windows and Mac computers, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer browsers, as well as Android and ...
From ComputerHelp.com: URL Blocker helps social media addicts, shopaholics and gamers avoid favorite sites so they get work done. Internet Addiction has become a huge problem. Many people waste serious amounts of time on Web sites strictly because they ..
URL Blocker is a lightweight Windows application built specifically for helping you block other users’ access to certain websites on the breeze. It can be used as a parental control measure for making sure your children don’t spend too much time playing g