Samsung Galaxy Note FE 粉絲版本,浴火重生的 Note7 哪裡買?
Samsung Galaxy Note FE 粉絲版本,浴火重生的 Note7 哪裡買?

記得當初評測 SamsungGalaxyNote7的時候,滿意度非常非常的高,因為電池爆炸需要回收時相當不捨,深深覺得就此錯過了一支如此棒的手機,還有S-Penㄟ!!!而...

Samsung's Galaxy Note FE 7 pictured for the first time


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Samsung Galaxy Note 7回收整新版(Note FE)將在韓國以外國家開賣 ...

3 天前 - Samsung Galaxy Note FE版具體登陸國家都還未有任何說法,唯一可以肯定的是在美國市場上不會有,因為官方在早前就已經確認了這一點。

Here's How You Can Buy the Galaxy Note Fan Edition

5 天前 - The Note Fan Edition (also referred to as the Note FE) is Samsung's way of refurbishing leftover Note 7 components, decreasing the size of the ...

Galaxy Note FE 趕製不及,傳延至 7 月底上市

三星 Galaxy Note FE 可能無法如期上市,韓媒 News1 報導指出,Note FE 生產進度落後預設目標是可能原因之一,上市時間因此從原訂 7 月 7 日延至 7 月 30 日之後。 報導還指出另一個可能原因是 Galaxy S8 還在市場持續熱賣之中,三星

Samsung Galaxy Note FE - Full phone specifications

Samsung Galaxy Note FE Android smartphone. Announced 2017, July. Features 3G, 5.7″ Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 12 MP camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, ...

Samsung Galaxy Note FE may not launch before the end of July

A couple of days ago a report from Samsung's home of South Korea told us to expect the refurbished Galaxy Note7 units to make their debut over there on July 7, branded as Galaxy Note FE (Fan Edition). Today however a new revelation comes from unnamed

Samsung Galaxy Note FE 手機資料 - Mobilesetting

提供Samsung Galaxy Note FE手機規格, root機教學, 評測, 介紹, 圖片, 尺寸, 顏色, 電池等資料 ... 香港正式發佈及價錢 今日 Samsung 正式在香港推出全新旗艦 Galaxy Note 7,定價方面,與早前傳出的資料相同,4GB RAM

Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 is back! (Just don't call it the Note 7)

Samsung's fire-prone smartphone that sparked a global crisis is making a comeback. The world's largest smartphone maker says it's resurrecting the Galaxy Note 7 by selling a cheaper, refurbished version in South Korea starting Friday. Understa

Galaxy Note FE launching on July 7 with Bixby on board

Remember the Samsung Galaxy Note 7? You know, the one that spontaneously caught fire and, in one case, even destroyed someone's car? The refurbished ...

【行情速遞】Samsung Galaxy Note FE 抵港!開賣價貴過S8+

7 天前 - Samsung 早前宣佈將會重新推出Galaxy Note 7 手機,並重新命名為Galaxy Note FE (Fan Edition),雖然官方指會於今日才正式在韓國推出,但水方 ...

Samsung Galaxy Note FE is Official; Features Galaxy Note 7’s Specs, Galaxy S8 UI

Samsung has finally relaunched the ill-fated Galaxy Note 7 as the Galaxy Note FE (Fan Edition) in South Korea. As the rumor mill had revealed, the Galaxy Note FE has similar specs as the original Note 7, but it sports the user interface of Galaxy S8 along

Samsung Galaxy Note FE 粉絲版本,浴火重生的 Note7 哪裡買?

Samsung Galaxy Note FE 粉絲版本,浴火重生的 Note7 哪裡買?

記得當初評測 Samsung Galaxy Note7 的時候,滿意度非常非常的高,因為電池爆炸需要回收時相當不捨,深深覺得就此錯過了一支如此棒的手機,還有 S-Pen ㄟ!!!而現在回收後浴火重生的 Note 7 也開賣了,名稱是 Samsung Galaxy Note FE,FE 代表是 Fan Edition,在外型上與之前 Note 7 當然一模一樣,若是這支手機情有獨鍾的粉絲們,可以趕快來買囉!不過價格也是有點貴啦~我目前也還在猶豫啊!

這裡買:Galaxy Note FE 無鎖版空機金色Galaxy Note FE 無鎖版空機銀色

要買趁早買~因為據說 Note 8 也快要推出了!不過或許 Note 8 推出之後,Note FE 就會降價囉!而 Note 8 也傳出將會移除 Samsung Galaxy S8+ 新加入的 Bixby 鍵,有可能的上市時間是九月,大家也可以多多期待囉!

Note FE = Note 7 的開箱評測:【開箱】Samsung Galaxy Note7 虹膜辨識、IP68防水防塵、相機與 S Pen 全面升級!

Samsung Galaxy Note FE

Samsung Galaxy Note FE 相關文章
